S. Sitaraman


I have been fortunate to have the darshan of Yogi Ramsuratkumar Swamigal on several occasions for the welfare of my children, educational progress, marriage etc. Peace reigns supreme in our mind when we sit before Him.

I think the name Godchild is very apt because he laughs like an innocent child, free from lust, anger, greed, etc. The child's heart is free from all blemishes and pure. Swamiji never wants to hurt the feelings of others even when people do harm to Him knowingly or unknowingly as he is a crest jewel among the Yogis. But He is also highly disciplined. He never tolerates indiscipline. Innocence of a child and affection of a mother can be seen in his actions. He is strict as a father.

First I would like to cite one instance, which is a sample for his abundant grace. A lady devotee from Virginia came for Darshan with a male friend. We were also there for darshan. The gentleman was suffering from acute cancer and doctors lost hope in him and he was near to his grave. Luckily the lady told him about Swami and his abundant spiritual powers and asked him to chant the name Yogi Ramsuratkumar which he did faithfully for several months. To the surprise of many, he was saved and brought back to life. Tears swelled in the eyes of the devotee when he revealed his story to Swamiji. Swamiji blesses one and all alike free from the difference of caste, colour or creed.

The prefix 'God' is also more correct because he is always trying to elevate man from the world of the mundane to the Kingdom of God. He provides the spiritual tonic necessary for the present day world. Peace has become dear throughout the world and without peace, human race cannot survive.

We have to think deeply what is the reason behind the present unrest. Man's mind is caught in the snare of money, power and prestige. He has no time to think about Divinity though he is divine by nature. Man is working day and night to earn money which is ephemeral in human life and it is the root cause for several ills in the modern world. He thinks that he can enjoy with money in the world. All the pleasures are always followed by pains. Restlessness, disease and discontentment have become the day's order. We are witnessing this in the daily newspapers and our own life. Of course money is necessary, but it is not the ultimate goal of life. Man must elevate himself from the animal to the highest spiritual life. Saints and Seers of India preach this, but human ears have become deaf because we are in Kali yuga. We have no time to read Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas but we can find time to chant the Lord's name - Aum Sri Ram jai Ram jai jai Ram - which is very easy and simple, which is free from rigid rules.

Swamiji always says that He is a beggar. Even this appeals to my mind. He begs not for money, food and clothes but asks us to chant the name of Rama which is sweet and simple. This movement is spreading now not only in India but also in foreign countries. Let us all cooperate in this and strengthen Gurudev's hands in this unique task which will create peace and brotherhood in the world, which is the need of the hour.

Pranams to Gurudev's lotus feet.